Line Flow Count Block(s) Source
1 - /*
2 - * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
3 - *
4 - * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
5 - * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
6 - */
7 -
8 - #include "common.h"
9 -
10 - #include "repository.h"
11 - #include "filebuf.h"
12 - #include "merge.h"
13 - #include "index.h"
14 -
15 - #include "git2/types.h"
16 - #include "git2/merge.h"
17 - #include "git2/revert.h"
18 - #include "git2/commit.h"
19 - #include "git2/sys/commit.h"
20 -
21 - #define GIT_REVERT_FILE_MODE 0666
22 -
23 18 2 static int write_revert_head(
24 - git_repository *repo,
25 - const char *commit_oidstr)
26 - {
27 18 2 git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
28 18 2 git_buf file_path = GIT_BUF_INIT;
29 18 2 int error = 0;
30 -
31 18 2-5 if ((error = git_buf_joinpath(&file_path, repo->gitdir, GIT_REVERT_HEAD_FILE)) >= 0 &&
32 18 4,6,7 (error = git_filebuf_open(&file, file_path.ptr, GIT_FILEBUF_CREATE_LEADING_DIRS, GIT_REVERT_FILE_MODE)) >= 0 &&
33 - (error = git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", commit_oidstr)) >= 0)
34 18 8 error = git_filebuf_commit(&file);
35 -
36 18 9 if (error < 0)
37 ##### 10 git_filebuf_cleanup(&file);
38 -
39 18 11 git_buf_dispose(&file_path);
40 -
41 18 12 return error;
42 - }
43 -
44 18 2 static int write_merge_msg(
45 - git_repository *repo,
46 - const char *commit_oidstr,
47 - const char *commit_msgline)
48 - {
49 18 2 git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
50 18 2 git_buf file_path = GIT_BUF_INIT;
51 18 2 int error = 0;
52 -
53 18 2-5 if ((error = git_buf_joinpath(&file_path, repo->gitdir, GIT_MERGE_MSG_FILE)) < 0 ||
54 18 4,6,7 (error = git_filebuf_open(&file, file_path.ptr, GIT_FILEBUF_CREATE_LEADING_DIRS, GIT_REVERT_FILE_MODE)) < 0 ||
55 - (error = git_filebuf_printf(&file, "Revert \"%s\"\n\nThis reverts commit %s.\n",
56 - commit_msgline, commit_oidstr)) < 0)
57 - goto cleanup;
58 -
59 18 8 error = git_filebuf_commit(&file);
60 -
61 - cleanup:
62 18 9 if (error < 0)
63 ##### 10 git_filebuf_cleanup(&file);
64 -
65 18 11 git_buf_dispose(&file_path);
66 -
67 18 12 return error;
68 - }
69 -
70 18 2 static int revert_normalize_opts(
71 - git_repository *repo,
72 - git_revert_options *opts,
73 - const git_revert_options *given,
74 - const char *their_label)
75 - {
76 18 2 int error = 0;
77 18 2 unsigned int default_checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE |
79 -
80 - GIT_UNUSED(repo);
81 -
82 18 2 if (given != NULL)
83 6 3 memcpy(opts, given, sizeof(git_revert_options));
84 - else {
85 12 4 git_revert_options default_opts = GIT_REVERT_OPTIONS_INIT;
86 12 4 memcpy(opts, &default_opts, sizeof(git_revert_options));
87 - }
88 -
89 18 5 if (!opts->checkout_opts.checkout_strategy)
90 ##### 6 opts->checkout_opts.checkout_strategy = default_checkout_strategy;
91 -
92 18 7 if (!opts->checkout_opts.our_label)
93 18 8 opts->checkout_opts.our_label = "HEAD";
94 -
95 18 9 if (!opts->checkout_opts.their_label)
96 18 10 opts->checkout_opts.their_label = their_label;
97 -
98 18 11 return error;
99 - }
100 -
101 2 2 static int revert_state_cleanup(git_repository *repo)
102 - {
103 2 2 const char *state_files[] = { GIT_REVERT_HEAD_FILE, GIT_MERGE_MSG_FILE };
104 -
105 2 2 return git_repository__cleanup_files(repo, state_files, ARRAY_SIZE(state_files));
106 - }
107 -
108 2 2 static int revert_seterr(git_commit *commit, const char *fmt)
109 - {
110 - char commit_oidstr[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1];
111 -
112 2 2,3 git_oid_fmt(commit_oidstr, git_commit_id(commit));
113 2 4 commit_oidstr[GIT_OID_HEXSZ] = '\0';
114 -
115 2 4 git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_REVERT, fmt, commit_oidstr);
116 -
117 2 5 return -1;
118 - }
119 -
120 21 2 int git_revert_commit(
121 - git_index **out,
122 - git_repository *repo,
123 - git_commit *revert_commit,
124 - git_commit *our_commit,
125 - unsigned int mainline,
126 - const git_merge_options *merge_opts)
127 - {
128 21 2 git_commit *parent_commit = NULL;
129 21 2 git_tree *parent_tree = NULL, *our_tree = NULL, *revert_tree = NULL;
130 21 2 int parent = 0, error = 0;
131 -
132 21 2-6 assert(out && repo && revert_commit && our_commit);
133 -
134 21 7,8 if (git_commit_parentcount(revert_commit) > 1) {
135 3 9 if (!mainline)
136 1 10 return revert_seterr(revert_commit,
137 - "mainline branch is not specified but %s is a merge commit");
138 -
139 2 11 parent = mainline;
140 - } else {
141 18 12 if (mainline)
142 1 13 return revert_seterr(revert_commit,
143 - "mainline branch specified but %s is not a merge commit");
144 -
145 17 14,15 parent = git_commit_parentcount(revert_commit);
146 - }
147 -
148 19 16-18 if (parent &&
149 16 17,19,20 ((error = git_commit_parent(&parent_commit, revert_commit, (parent - 1))) < 0 ||
150 16 19 (error = git_commit_tree(&parent_tree, parent_commit)) < 0))
151 - goto done;
152 -
153 19 21-24 if ((error = git_commit_tree(&revert_tree, revert_commit)) < 0 ||
154 - (error = git_commit_tree(&our_tree, our_commit)) < 0)
155 - goto done;
156 -
157 19 25 error = git_merge_trees(out, repo, revert_tree, our_tree, parent_tree, merge_opts);
158 -
159 - done:
160 19 26 git_tree_free(parent_tree);
161 19 27 git_tree_free(our_tree);
162 19 28 git_tree_free(revert_tree);
163 19 29 git_commit_free(parent_commit);
164 -
165 19 30 return error;
166 - }
167 -
168 18 2 int git_revert(
169 - git_repository *repo,
170 - git_commit *commit,
171 - const git_revert_options *given_opts)
172 - {
173 - git_revert_options opts;
174 18 2 git_reference *our_ref = NULL;
175 18 2 git_commit *our_commit = NULL;
176 - char commit_oidstr[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1];
177 - const char *commit_msg;
178 18 2 git_buf their_label = GIT_BUF_INIT;
179 18 2 git_index *index = NULL;
180 18 2 git_indexwriter indexwriter = GIT_INDEXWRITER_INIT;
181 - int error;
182 -
183 18 2-4 assert(repo && commit);
184 -
185 18 5-7 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_VERSION(given_opts, GIT_REVERT_OPTIONS_VERSION, "git_revert_options");
186 -
187 18 8,9 if ((error = git_repository__ensure_not_bare(repo, "revert")) < 0)
188 ##### 10 return error;
189 -
190 18 11,12 git_oid_fmt(commit_oidstr, git_commit_id(commit));
191 18 13 commit_oidstr[GIT_OID_HEXSZ] = '\0';
192 -
193 18 13,14 if ((commit_msg = git_commit_summary(commit)) == NULL) {
194 ##### 15 error = -1;
195 ##### 15 goto on_error;
196 - }
197 -
198 18 16,17,19,20 if ((error = git_buf_printf(&their_label, "parent of %.7s... %s", commit_oidstr, commit_msg)) < 0 ||
199 18 18,21,22 (error = revert_normalize_opts(repo, &opts, given_opts, git_buf_cstr(&their_label))) < 0 ||
200 18 23,24 (error = git_indexwriter_init_for_operation(&indexwriter, repo, &opts.checkout_opts.checkout_strategy)) < 0 ||
201 18 25,26 (error = write_revert_head(repo, commit_oidstr)) < 0 ||
202 18 27,28 (error = write_merge_msg(repo, commit_oidstr, commit_msg)) < 0 ||
203 18 29,30 (error = git_repository_head(&our_ref, repo)) < 0 ||
204 18 29,31,32 (error = git_reference_peel((git_object **)&our_commit, our_ref, GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT)) < 0 ||
205 18 31,33,34 (error = git_revert_commit(&index, repo, commit, our_commit, opts.mainline, &opts.merge_opts)) < 0 ||
206 16 33,35,36 (error = git_merge__check_result(repo, index)) < 0 ||
207 16 35,37,38 (error = git_merge__append_conflicts_to_merge_msg(repo, index)) < 0 ||
208 16 37,39,40 (error = git_checkout_index(repo, index, &opts.checkout_opts)) < 0 ||
209 - (error = git_indexwriter_commit(&indexwriter)) < 0)
210 - goto on_error;
211 -
212 16 41 goto done;
213 -
214 - on_error:
215 2 42 revert_state_cleanup(repo);
216 -
217 - done:
218 18 43 git_indexwriter_cleanup(&indexwriter);
219 18 44 git_index_free(index);
220 18 45 git_commit_free(our_commit);
221 18 46 git_reference_free(our_ref);
222 18 47 git_buf_dispose(&their_label);
223 -
224 18 48 return error;
225 - }
226 -
227 1 2 int git_revert_options_init(git_revert_options *opts, unsigned int version)
228 - {
230 - opts, version, git_revert_options, GIT_REVERT_OPTIONS_INIT);
231 1 5 return 0;
232 - }
233 -
234 - #ifndef GIT_DEPRECATE_HARD
235 ##### 2 int git_revert_init_options(git_revert_options *opts, unsigned int version)
236 - {
237 ##### 2 return git_revert_options_init(opts, version);
238 - }
239 - #endif